The Rite of Passage Kit

The Rite of Passage kit offers men the tools to successfully prepare and equip a young man as he makes his passage into the responsibilities and accountability of manhood.

The process of preparing the young man with the “4” essentials of manhood, culminating with the affirmation of his elders, and concluding with a rite of passage ceremony, provides an incredibly valuable and essential experience building a foundation for all those participate for generations to come.


  • The Heart of a Man: Restoring the Rite of Passage (Book)
  • Facilitator Guide (Booklet)
  • Facilitator Guide (Booklet)
  • Candidate Guide (Booklet)
  • 2 Challenge Coins
  • 1 Ceremony Box
  • 1 Rite of Passage Witness Card with Plexiglass Block Display
  • Ceremony Questionnaire Card Stock

Complete Book Set

Restoring the Rite of Passage

Covers the authors life story and experiences he acquired over two decades of helping multitudes of boys successfully make their journey into manhood, as well as the story behind the inspiration and mission behind The Heart of a Man.

The Rite of Passage: Facilitator Guide

Covers all the tools the facilitator will need to prepare the candidate with the “4” essentials of manhood including the process of selecting his elders, the venue, and the complete format for conducting the rite of passage ceremony.

The Rite of Passage: Candidate Guide

Speaks directly to the candidate covering the “4” essentials of manhood as well preparing him with the meaning behind this once in a lifetime experience and unforgettable impact it will have on the rest of his journey into manhood.

Challenge Coins

The Kit comes with (2) Challenge Coins. One challenge coin will be used by the facilitator as a tool to prepare and teach the candidate the “4” essentials necessary to successfully navigate his passage into manhood.

The second challenge coin is presented to the candidate during the ceremony affirming that he has demonstrated he understands and accepts the accountability and responsibilities of manhood.

Ceremony Box

The Ceremony Box is presented to the candidate during the ceremony. The Navigational Compass Emblem on the outside cover of the ceremony box reminds the candidate of the essentials that he has been equip with to help him navigate his journey through his manhood. The inscription on the inside of the cover is a reminder the he is not alone and will always be apart of “The Brotherhood of Men.”

Witness Card

The Witness Card is a document intended to certify the completion of the candidate’s rite of passage. The witness card is to be endorsed by all his elders and presented to the candidate at the conclusion of the first part of the ceremony. The candidate will be able to display this document, commemorating this special occasion in his life.

Ceremony Questionnaire Cards

The Ceremony Questionnaire Cards aid the facilitator in the first part of the rite of passage ceremony. The Questions are directed to the elders covering each of the “4” essentials of manhood giving the elders the opportunity to share with the candidate there life experiences and how they will have the opportunity to