In the heart of every man is a need to be self-sufficient, to be independent, to be respected and honored, and to be appreciated.
In the heart of every man is a need to receive affirmation for his sacrifices, value for his contributions, and to be recognized and rewarded for his accomplishments.
In the heart of a every man is a need to be encouraged and strengthened in the face of adversity and opposition, motivated in the midst of challenge, and most important, lifted up in through trial and tribulation.
Although, we contain an insatiable desire to be independent, men need other men in our lives. To be bonded together in the brotherhood with other men. To surround ourselves with men who have embarked on the journey before us, who have achieved success and tasted failure. Men who care for the men around them, who know that their success in life is our success. Men who are united in heart, mind, and soul forming an indestructible community, I call the “Brotherhood of Men.”
To be the best men we can become will require other men in our lives. Father figures, mentors, coaches, teachers, and friends.
THE RITE OF PASSAGE restores the foundation of men in our homes, families, communities and our culture by re-igniting the generation role and responsibilities in a mans heart. To bring us together again in brotherhood across generational lines and uniting together to build the next generation of men.
The Ceremony, Resources, and Tools offered here are intended to be the flint and the stone which provides the spark which will start the fire in your heart, the hearts of all the men who participate, and most importantly the heart of the young candidate who experiences this rite of passage into manhood.